Friday, January 02, 2009

2008 – The Year That Was

Here’s a recap of my 2008.


My faith will always get me going. No matter how tough it gets, I know I can do it because no matter how big the problem is, I have a bigger faith and bigger God.


Your family will always be your family. They will stick by you through thick and thin. They will always take you as you are with and without the imperfections.

I’m just so lucky because I have an understanding and loving family. I love them and they love me – enough said.


I will always be thankful that I have John in my life. Life can’t get any better than this. With life’s ups and downs, everything’s alright with him by my side. To borrow Edward’s words for Bella -- John is my life now.

I am hoping that this year would finally be the year. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Let this be the year.


I love my friends with all my heart and with all that I am. I know that I can and will do anything within my powers for them. I’m just so lucky knowing that they feel the same way towards me. They will always be my persons no matter what. I may stumble upon challenges and road blocks once in while but it’s okay because I have my friends to cheer me up and support me all the way.

As I grow older, I realize that my priorities changes. These are my priorities for now.

2008 has been a good year to me. I’ve nothing to complain about as I was able to breeze through it unscathed.

I’m very thankful for all the things that transpired, no matter how great or small, important or insignificant, happy or sad – for these all helped me become who I am right now.

As for 2009… bring it on!

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