Tuesday, March 03, 2015


Slept with a severe headache. Woke up with a severe headache pa rin. It was a tiring and very overwhelming day. Mama's cardiologist wants her to have an angiogram. Prior to her breast surgery last year, we had a hard time securing her cardio clearance because apparently, she has hypertensive cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease and the doctor was insisting for her to have an angiogram. 

So that was Part 1 of the ordeal. Second visit was with a rheumatologist. Another bomb dropped, Mama has osteoporosis. And she 4 - 5 tablets to take daily. 

Overwhelming. While I know that Mama is getting old and that naturally, she will be prone to different health conditions, it still feels different to confront reality and be told that she has medical conditions that require attention. 

This is yet another hurdle that we need to conquer. Jesus, we lift everything to you. 

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